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Projectors Forum Today: 0|Threads: 11100

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Kodak carousel 760h projector shenhp 2013-3-18 2403 k668 2013-3-18 08:43
The projector is projecting everything in a purple zhangxinba 2013-3-18 1256 cyc1111 2013-3-18 08:39
Do have to reset my tv or anything after i install... zhangxinba 2013-3-18 1287 cxwpf200 2013-3-18 08:36
Connected the projector to laptop but projected zhufeng518 2013-3-18 1285 szs 2013-3-18 08:06
My Prism projector stopped lighting jiang1799 2013-3-18 1314 shanghaipc 2013-3-18 07:18
I have a Toshiba TDP ET20 projector, the problem luoson1 2013-3-18 1386 panjianm 2013-3-18 07:14
My DLP projector SIM2 DOMINO sdxh0506 2013-3-18 1302 prollerweg 2013-3-18 06:56
After turning on within 30 sec it turns off. xy123321 2013-3-18 1302 cqlinx 2013-3-18 06:44
Hp VP121 needs new bulb? gxh1968 2013-3-17 2354 jinquan26 2013-3-18 01:30
Optoma EP721 - reverse image loyalxuan 2013-3-17 2344 angela 2013-3-18 00:11
JVC DLA -x3 won't turn off gyts62 2013-3-17 1316 blueice 2013-3-18 00:06
My viewsonic cine1000 shuts itself wsaer 2013-3-17 1281 xq8995209 2013-3-17 23:04
Sim2 domino 20 whitek 2013-3-17 1356 angela 2013-3-17 22:57
How do I adjust the frequency for an external monitor (projector)? yzc164 2013-3-17 2342 seemebaby 2013-3-17 22:50
I bought a new lamp for my sharp XR-11XC. zpjx 2013-3-17 1363 ty9919 2013-3-17 22:49
Nec lt220 status light 6 times zrong 2013-3-17 1303 xy123321 2013-3-17 22:44
Projector will not stay on lights flash green 2004 2013-3-17 1426 prollerweg 2013-3-17 22:25
Replace the 2 bulbs. Unit sunny03 2013-3-17 1302 mqzlp 2013-3-17 21:49
Shutter stuck on Ektagrahpic III projector robin 2013-3-17 1236 zycchen 2013-3-17 21:44
Lamp doesn't light on SP 500, SP-Lamp-017. How do hongblue 2013-3-17 2440 mouse 2013-3-17 21:18
Connecting projector to desktop using usb sunbird 2013-3-17 1340 weiliwei 2013-3-17 20:32
Toshiba with Colour fail , red colour reko_3 2013-3-17 1246 cyc1111 2013-3-17 20:16
Sharp XV-Z10000 replaced bulb but did not re-set gaojinguan 2013-3-17 1420 jin5011 2013-3-17 20:11
Carousel on my projector does not advance not sure liwya 2013-3-17 1231 ifuleyou 2013-3-17 19:53
I would like to know how to replace the bulb on a ab168 2013-3-17 1282 fswdnr 2013-3-17 19:50

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