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Projectors Forum Today: 0|Threads: 11100

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I need to reset the filter time. xuyaxiu 2012-5-25 1221 cmkzjw 2012-5-25 22:54
BEN Q projector is working but no red ? lihu129c 2012-5-25 1232 szs 2012-5-25 22:42
DIODE PART NUMBER 907 rule 2012-5-25 1363 ABKYH 2012-5-25 22:38
Display fault rule 2012-5-25 1217 xq8995209 2012-5-25 22:33
Little white and gray dots ifuleyou 2012-5-25 1347 wolong 2012-5-25 22:08
I have a IN3104 InFocus sm702 2012-5-25 1217 zz22 2012-5-25 22:05
We have accidently put a code on our projector and zhangxinba 2012-5-25 1271 xuanhao 2012-5-25 20:54
Dell 2200MP lamp turns off zhaoke0727 2012-5-25 2292 yanglgzh 2012-5-25 20:30
I have lines running along coolyuan 2012-5-25 1223 liyeho 2012-5-25 19:20
I have a infocus Lp 240 projector I have only used zcl_ccc 2012-5-25 1265 cnq 2012-5-25 19:19
After replacing lamp,cleaning filter we mouse 2012-5-25 1270 jinquan26 2012-5-25 19:05
Sanyo Projector==No signal sm702 2012-5-25 2548 saundy 2012-5-25 18:22
Where can you get replacments for the lamp fan. gyts62 2012-5-25 1375 sunbird 2012-5-25 18:00
I have a multimedia projector NEC VT470 and is candy 2012-5-25 1237 ab168 2012-5-25 17:15
There is a hazing on the bottom half of my shanghaipc 2012-5-25 1181 cyc1111 2012-5-25 16:53
I have a dp5900 and just recently there is a cxwpf200 2012-5-25 1288 hhajhh 2012-5-25 16:45
There is a shadow on the left side of the screen. luoson1 2012-5-25 1277 santaclaus 2012-5-25 15:52
Not working on my laptop lipeng 2012-5-25 2371 cqlinx 2012-5-25 15:22
Wont turn on xuyaxiu 2012-5-25 1262 robin 2012-5-25 14:42
Optoma DV-10 shuts down completely a couple xuanxi 2012-5-25 1277 worker321 2012-5-25 14:35
Problem with my 4805 projector loyalxuan 2012-5-25 3502 leonheart 2012-5-25 14:34
I need a colorwheel LOCKLOSE 2012-5-25 1178 hyzqb 2012-5-25 14:08
I replaced the lamp and zzbb 2012-5-25 1372 fswdnr 2012-5-25 13:26
Proxima c180.I keep getting bulb striking error. 59519751 2012-5-25 1220 xiuxuan 2012-5-25 13:05
When the image is projected wangwengwu 2012-5-25 1319 liyeho 2012-5-25 12:39

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