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AGFA AVANTRA 44E, year 1999, OLP Agfaline 44 (short version) benzhou 2012-5-12 0134 benzhou 2012-5-12 12:23
For sale: Screen DT-R3100 with OLP buhong 2012-5-12 0175 buhong 2012-5-12 12:22
Agfa Accuset 1500 Plus imagesetter k668 2012-5-12 0174 k668 2012-5-12 12:22
Creo Lotem 800V2 Quantum full automatic ctp system wlzxwfk 2012-5-11 4499 santaclaus 2012-5-11 17:04
For sale: Used software solutions ( also upgrades !) loyalxuan 2012-5-11 3898 cqlinx 2012-5-11 17:02
Imagesetter AGFA SelectSet 5000 + RIP and processor for sale kient88 2012-5-11 1637 sdxh0506 2012-5-11 13:14
Chromagraph S3010 for sale wangwengwu 2012-5-11 1209 lipeng 2012-5-11 13:01
Service manual for Agfa Excalibur VLF wanted worker321 2012-5-11 1574 yaomint 2012-5-11 12:47
looking for Stralfors UW 52 CD and/or RW 102 CD 59519751 2012-5-11 1235 look321 2012-5-11 12:41
Screen FlatRite PF-R1050 with Agfa LP82 plateprocessor and Agfa stacker lig 2012-5-11 1211 yanglgzh 2012-5-11 12:36
VLF plate processor wanted in america zhufeng518 2012-5-11 1261 shanghaipc 2012-5-11 12:19
STAHL EP 160 (book forming and pressing) for sale lig 2012-5-11 0105 lig 2012-5-11 11:53
Dolev 800, year 1997 for sale yaomint 2012-5-11 0128 yaomint 2012-5-11 11:49
CTP Systems and Imagesetters for Sale yanglgzh 2012-5-11 099 yanglgzh 2012-5-11 11:49
CD Multigraphics Offset Press for sale ABKYH 2012-5-11 0163 ABKYH 2012-5-11 11:19
Creo Trendsetter News 100 zcl_ccc 2012-5-11 0157 zcl_ccc 2012-5-11 11:09
2005 Screen VLF 32000 for sale gaojinguan 2012-5-11 0111 gaojinguan 2012-5-11 11:09
PREPRESS SPARE PARTS STOCKLIST - WEEK 48 - 2006 heatlevel  ...234 2004 2012-5-7 616237 cxwpf200 2012-5-11 04:27
Imagesetters for sale shanghaipc 2012-5-10 6942 vincen 2012-5-10 20:00
Agfa Xcalibur45E and PlateManager with Autolith TP85 plateprocessor and stacker. waid 2012-5-10 4317 loyalxuan 2012-5-10 16:06
OUR LIST OF PREPRESS MACHINES lihu129c 2012-5-10 3288 xq8995209 2012-5-10 15:42
DEALER OF PREPRESS SYSEMS WANTED xiuxuan 2012-5-10 3316 jinquan26 2012-5-10 14:58
CTP FOR LOW PRICE. Agfa GalileoVS, PlateManager, UPC, LP-82 Ultra Plateprocessor, stacker zhuyumu 2012-5-10 1715 xiaoyu28 2012-5-10 12:25
Agfa SelectSet 7000 4 Up imagesetter with Devolink 28 OLP and Scitex SmartScan 340 Flat Bed Scanner xq8995209 2012-5-10 0271 xq8995209 2012-5-10 10:44
For sale: Agfa Phoenix 2000 + OLP + Level 3 RIP. liyeho 2012-5-10 0138 liyeho 2012-5-10 10:41

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