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When I turned on my ipad the screen is scrolling grey and white veritcal lines. I can't power it off. How can I fix this? zycchen 2013-4-27 1299 loyalxuan 2013-4-27 21:40
how to find airprint wlzxwfk 2013-4-27 3595 seemebaby 2013-4-27 21:38
iPad doesn't connect to iTunes look321 2013-4-27 1241 378 2013-4-27 21:38
best apps for ipad whitek 2013-4-27 1278 cnq 2013-4-27 21:37
pass code problem shenhp 2013-4-27 1316 cyc1111 2013-4-27 21:37
What is the best printer to use with iPad? longpan 2013-4-27 2366 dopost 2013-4-27 21:34
Finding an Air Printer? ty9919 2013-4-27 2452 szs 2013-4-27 21:34
how can I print my calendar from my iPad? 59519751 2013-4-27 2277 blueice 2013-4-27 21:31
When will I be able to print from my ipad? 7007 2013-4-26 181405 k668 2013-4-27 21:27
Printing issues hncys 2013-4-27 1333 hyzqb 2013-4-27 21:27
AirPrinting to AirPrint compatible printers without WiFi revisited seemebaby 2013-4-27 3536 sunkezai 2013-4-27 21:24
HT4356 What about the iPad notes. Can we print them with Airprint? lihu129c 2013-4-27 5846 yes-no 2013-4-27 21:23
Can i print documents without an apple printer? zyh3033 2013-4-27 3467 dinggela 2013-4-27 21:21
cant find the printer in my ipad? lb20309 2013-4-27 2320 xglys 2013-4-27 21:18
TS3682 I am unable to print from my I pad,I was able to print previous. cxwpf200 2013-4-27 1229 7007 2013-4-27 21:18
HT4356 Can't print on my ipad2 jin5011 2013-4-27 1243 shilang 2013-4-27 21:17
ipad 3 dead pixels yzqzs 2013-4-27 1277 zhaolu 2013-4-27 21:15
Print from contact file jxwjq 2013-4-27 2411 ty9919 2013-4-27 21:14
what type of printer works with the ipad2 with wifi and 3g? yllplay 2013-4-27 1212 sxyzy 2013-4-27 21:14
I'm unable to print from safari and email on iPad 2, I'm newbie bestjoe 2013-4-27 6771 zhuyumu 2013-4-27 21:13
I need help printing from my original IPad..I have an Epson printer NX420 " gbless 2013-4-27 1314 network 2013-4-27 21:08
Unable to set up printer even with print n share app installed zrong 2013-4-27 1288 jonvi 2013-4-27 21:07
How do you print from iPad zpjx 2013-4-27 4485 arongsoft 2013-4-27 21:03
HT4356 I have the Epson SX435 printer on the box it states it is compatible to print on an IPad 3 has anyone else had this problem? How would I overcome this problem? sm702 2013-4-27 1226 cnq 2013-4-27 20:59
HT3647 can I use pair my iPad with an Epson printer that has built in Bluetooth? xy123321 2013-4-27 1285 cqlinx 2013-4-27 20:59

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